My Experience Living in the Neptune Line — Astrocartography
What is Astrocartography?
In Astrology, there are many branches and rabbit holes you can discover. Astrocartography is under locational astrology and it focuses on the planetary lines that are around the globe and how they influence and activate our natal chart when we visit them. The term was coined in 1970 by astrologer Jim Lewis.
Astrocartography is useful to predetermine the influences certain planets will have on our flavor of life in each place we visit. It is particularly good to understand what we will come across when we move to a new place or when we are planning a trip for a particular reason (aka a honeymoon or wedding).
If you want to consult with me on your astrocartography needs, you can book a consultation here! Be sure to tell me everything you need from it.
What does Neptune rule?
Neptune is considered an outer or generational planet. It moves rather slowly hence the reason why it rules whole generations. In the natal chart, it does not have a huge influence on our day to day lives, but it can impact the personal planets (sun, moon, mercury, venus, and mars).
Neptune rules the sign of Pisces in modern astrology. It is associated with spirituality, illusion, addiction, seeing under the veil, mysticism, dreams, psychic powers, and creative pursuits. Neptune is a double-edged sword. It can be really good but also really bad. You can meet God or get lost and lose your ego completely.
My experience living in the Neptune line
I am not going to lie, it has been super trippy to see what lines I have lived in as a kid into my adult life. I have lived in four different countries and three out of the four have been Neptune lines. I moved to Panama when I was 9 years old (Neptune/MC), then Malaga, Spain (Neptune/DC), and finally Miami, USA (Neptune/MC). I find it really curious that three different countries I have lived in all have the same planetary influence— with their variations, of course.
I still live in my Neptune line, I have not left. I can tell you it has made me extremely spiritual, always in pursuit of some higher wisdom, which goes really well with natal sun in the 9th house (Whole House). I became an astrologer, have been reading tarot since I was in high school, and recently (4 years ago) got into human design, as it is fairly new. I have studied yogic and buddhist traditions and grew up hardcore catholic. In Panama, there was a whole Christian cult that tried to exorcise me— yup, fun times.
The Neptune line is known to be incredibly mystical but the drawback for me has been how lost I can get. Neptune living is being in acceptance with the fog that is always in front of you. It is pretty directionless because you simply cannot see things well. The Neptune line is also prone to addiction and although I am not an addict, I could have easily been.
I met a lot of addicts and partook in my fair share of psychedelics and other substances. I had a little struggle with alcohol which took me into 2 years of sobriety to make sure I had it under control. I have a pretty strong will, but again, the Neptune line does love to nudge you in that direction if you let it. Anything where you, your ego, dissolves, Neptune absolutely loves.
I am making myself dissolve into my art, my writing, my dancing, and my meditation sessions. You can use any planet’s influence for positive and negative (mars and saturn are harder to do this with) so keep that in mind. When I check my globe, the Neptune line is in majority of developed countries. It is both in all of the East and West coast of the US and half of Europe. The Neptune influence follows me. I think this is because the Neptunian energy is a big part of my natal chart’s promise for me.
Living under a Neptune line can make you pretty successful if you are an artist or spiritualist. If you are taking people into a dream world, you might succeed. The caveat is that the Neptune line will make you feel inspired and creative but not driven. Neptune does not favor greed or even material inclinations. It is hard to be goal-oriented in the Neptune line because you cannot see the goal or really care much for it.
Why visit or live under a Neptune line?
If you are an artist seeking a retreat to refuel your creativity… this is the place for you. If you need God or Source in your life and want to experience more of the divine, this is the place for you. I would visit a Neptune line for a yoga or meditation or silence retreat, not for clarity, but for connection to self and God. This line is the epitome of a God-orgasm like the Ecstasy of Saint Theresa vibes.
If you want to create or party, the Neptune line is fun but it can get messy. If you want a wedding ceremony that is divine, I would do it in a Neptune line. If you have a trust fund or are materially taken care of, going to a Neptune line can be amazing, especially if you are willing to volunteer or do charity work.
However! If you have an addictive personality or a low personal drive, I would not go to a Neptune line because it is like living in a constant confusion bubble. You do not want to mess with a Neptune line if you have an actual addiction problem. This line sucks you in and it is hard to get out. I, sometimes, think about it like Midsummer’s Night Dream. You will not get out the same way you came in and it will be quite hard to even find the exit. So, yes, beware.