What is parenting with Human Design?

One of the best tools I have found for self-awareness and recognition of the self is Human Design. So much so, I became a certified Human Design reader soon after I encountered it and have been on this journey a couple years since. Finding out I was a Manifestor changed my life but understanding I could parent and understand my son according to who he naturally was designed to be was another thing entirely.

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a tool not unlike astrology or the anneagram that assesses people’s energy and relevant themes they will experience throughout life. Human Design starts with a bodygraph chart that depicts 9 centers of different shapes, some colored in, some not, that have little numbers and channels running across from it. This bodygraphy describes the natural way in which the body expresses itself and where potential conditioning can be found. Conditioning are beliefs we took on from other people on how we should think, speak, or behave.

You can get your bodygraph chart through this link.

The chart expresses how a person’s energy works, how they eat, what they are like emotionally and mentally, what types of workouts work best for them, their purpose, and so much more.

What does parenting have to do with this amazing tool?

When you can see a little person’s how-to manual guide, it is hard not to get excited. Kids come to this earth with their own divine task to complete for the evolution of humanity. They are their own little people and we are merely the guides, the ones that explain how being human works in the context of the culture, environment, and language the child is born into. Human Design can explain what a child will gear towards in their life— from the moment they are born. You can see their digestion, their preferred environment style, how they learn, how they relate to others, their innate gifts, their strenghts in life and their challenges. Imagine being able to see it all!

Sold. How does this all work?

What you need to do first is create your own chart to understand your parenting style and who you are. Parenting starts with the parent. The next, is to create their chart. I put the link above but you can also use this one. Once you have those two charts the first things you want to look at are:

  • Energy Type

  • Strategy

  • Authority

  • Profile

There are 5 energy types: Manifesting Generators, Generators, Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors.

Each energy type has a strategy, or a way in which to flow about life, unique to them.

There are 7 authorities, or decision making processes: Emotional, Sacral, Splenic, Ego, Self-Projected, Environmental, and Lunar.

There are 12 profile combinations which detail the archetype each human was born embodying.

Once you start to understand your chart and your kids, you’ll begin to understand how you work and how your little one does in a way that differs from you.

The Science of Differentiation

Human Design is called the Science of Differentiation because it explains how we are all different + how to cope with these differences. Nowhere is more appropriate to understand this but in our parenting journey. Our little ones are counting on us to understand them, love them for who they are unconditionally, and guide them towards becoming more of themselves. We do this, not by memorizing their chart, but by using as a tool to watch them and become aware and attuned to who they are and what they need.

Human Design is an experimentation. So start by exploring if you resonate with it and watch to see if your kid’s chart makes sense as well. Then, go deeper.

I hope this tool helps you in your parenting journey. Please add yourself to the newsletter if you’d like more of my content in your inbox. Or opt for a consultation with me to read your chart alongside your little one’s.