Personal Frequent Experience: Burning Sensation *A Call for Advice*
I feel trapped in my own body. So much fire in me, I barely know how to contain it. I want to scream, cry, run, go at something. I never know what to do when this energy overtakes me. I am always scared I’ll self-destruct, like I have in the past. But, I have worked my way to managing my reactions and behaviors when I feel this way.
The thing is, I have never been able to label this feeling. I don’t know what its called, which makes it 10x worse. If I at least knew why I felt this heaviness and scolding hot singe all over my emotional body, I could better handle it.
Since I don’t know, the only thing I can blame it on is my beautiful aries moon. My need for constant inner and outer change. The initiations that my body wants to go through. After all, I am a manifestor. Isn’t that why I am here?
I find some outlet in writing, in sharing my experience, in condensing it until there is some wisdom to be gained from it. I can only truly share it when I know myself.
Because I don’t know this time, I’ll tell you how I manage this experience:
When I was younger, I used to just grab my running shoes, put some punk rock on, and leave the house for at least an hour. I would pump my feet until I felt my legs were going to give out and my lungs were drowning.
Nowadays, I write. I create pieces of content from what I know, from what I experience, and from what I just feel like creating.
I no longer have sex, drink, or do drugs when I am feeling this way. There is no need to put myself in an experience which will exacerbate these feelings. They are too impulsive and inhibitors will make me do stupid things (been there, done that).
Yoga classes help, but only while I am there. Same with meditation.
Screaming into a pillow is one of the top notch, full proof ways, which releases the tension and frustration this feeling accompanies.
Starting something new, going out with friends, and trying my best to channel into being productive.
If you know what this feeling is, if you are another manifestor like me, feel free to write me or message me on instagram to give me advice. I will edit this post and add whatever you come up with!