The 12th House Profection Year
The 12th house profection year feels like the void swallowed you.
Understanding your 12th house year before you go through it is the easiest way to prepare and not fight what happens. The 12th house feels like going back to the womb to prepare for big things to happen in your life.
It is a gestation period, not a doing-things period. It wants you to sit and reflect about life. It wants you to be isolated so you can feel yourself. It wants you to focus on pampering your earthly body and create space for what is about to emerge. Think about it like you are pregnant with cosmic energy.
Looking at the wheel and understanding what profection year you are in.
Caption Via @typewriter_astrology on IG!
We experience all 12 house projections multiple times in our life if we are lucky. Keeping an eye out for the themes will psychologically prepare us and detach us from any outcomes during the year.
What are the themes of a 12H profection year?
The themes of the 12H are traveling across bodies of water, isolation, fantasy, retreat, spiritual endeavors, depression, hidden enemies, hidden truths, the unconscious, and the dream world. (This is not an exhaustive list).
When the 12H year pops up, there will be themes in relation to this. But it is important to see your chart holistically and understand the delineations prompted by your 12H.
Why detachment is particularly important in a 12H profection year?
Detachment speaks on releasing and letting go of the attachments or expectations we hold in life. When we detach, we ground onto the present moment, onto our bodies, and exchange what we thought reality could be for what it simply is in each present moment.
Detachment is medicine to the soul and alleviating to the mind. Letting go means we can trust ourselves to handle what is coming at us and what the universe is imparting on us.
When a 12H profection year comes we retreat.
The 12H year is the last in the wheel before we start a new cycle. There will be fog, truths we had not seen, and potentially some pain during this year. But it is also a lucky year where our new cosmic task is revealed for the upcoming cycle.
Trust in yourself and get some books, arts and crafts, and some type of exercise to do daily. Make sure you are taking care of yourself, dont be surprised if this year asks you to be alone, and create space for plenty of rest (sleep + dreams).
Advice for the 12H profection year
My personal advice for this year:
Get a couple journals and fill them with your thoughts and dreams
Start a craft that uses your hands (e.g: painting, sewing, knitting)
Do a low impact exercise consistently (e.g: walking, yoga, swimming)
If you can, cut back on work and responsibilities, this year you’ll want to rest (its like hibernation)
Look at your 12H holistically (who rules this house? Are there any planets in there?)
Enjoy your year + plan accordingly