Learn About Your Sacral Energy, Generator or Manifesting Generator

Life force energy is the building block of life. We all have it, some just have it consistently and can pull from it as much as they’d like. These energy types are called generators or manifesting generators. Others have only a small portion of it or an inconsistent amount: they are known as manifestors, projectors, and reflectors.

The sacral center has been talked about in more than just Human Design. It is a chakra in yogic philosophy, or energy point, that is sexual in nature. The sacral is our sexual, creative, and life energy. Sexuality is inherently creative, it asks that we take our essence and spread it to something new. It asks that we keep reinventing how this holograph looks.

The sacral center if you have it defined will ask that you do things with it. Generators and manifesting generators tend to be energizer bunnies, especially when they are heavily defined. They need rest like we all do, but for the most part they can create as long as they are inspired by life.

When it is not consistent or it is undefined, it will still ask that you create and become sexual, it will just do it infrequently. Every manifestor, projector, and reflector will be different depending on the rest of their chart. But one thing they all have in common is that their base line state is rest… not motion.

Sacral energy is a precious commodity. It is energy, vitality, and freshness in the body. It feels like waking up rested, being well fed and hydrated, and endorphins after exercising. It is a beautiful center that we all experience differently and we must respect. We need to honor our sacral by extending its life force only to things we love.

Creating is a beautiful thing to do. Our entire being shines with purpose when we extend the invitation to life to move through us. The sacral center is the vehicle in which life continues to evolve. Honoring it by respecting our own boundaries and only following what feels exciting, fresh, and satisfying… is the least that we can do with such a gift.

If you are a non-sacral being: rest. But when the call comes, get up and moving with swift cosmic force. If you are a sacral being: say yes only to the things that light you up. Generators and manifesting generators are here to build the world through their sacral, they come with the divine task and bringing forth life to the world.

It is so beautiful to see a generator satisfied and spreading their innate life force energy to their surroundings. Everything is energy and all that energy uses the sacral as its vessel. Use it wisely. We cannot connect or create without it, manage it well regardless of your energy type.

If you would like to go into all that your chart has to share with you and talk to someone about life, desires, and all that you have yet to build… I would be honored to be chosen. Click here for a 1-1.


Manifesting With Human Design Using Your Perspective Variable